Share a favorite quote, line, or passage from your reading each week!

If you’ve been with me since last year, you surely know how much I love the Air Awakens series by Elise Kova. I especially loved so many lines by our loving protagonists. In my Fire Falling review, I have already quoted some of my favorite lines. BUT I left one particular quote which made my heart flutter and my stomach get butterflies.

Background image credits to Merilliza-chan and Elise Kova. Quote edited by me
You’ll get why this line left an impact on many fans of Air Awakens when you read Fire Falling. *swoons*
Say, what about you? What are your favorite quotes from your favorite books?

Ooh that quote is pretty awesome! It really highlights how something seemingly small and unworthy can create something large and impactful. I haven't started this trilogy yet, but the first book is waiting for me on my Kindle. ๐
– Aila @ One Way Or An Author
I'm excited for you to read this, Aila! I hope you'll like it as much as I do. Oh, I actually LOVED this series. Also, just want to let you know that the series is not a trilogy, but a 5-book series. And the rest of the series (3 books) will all be released this year! I'm so excited! ๐