My exams are finally over!!! And I’m now starting to work on my art commission and my looooong list of TBR. But first thing first, I want to say hello to you guys! Hope you’re all doing fine!
Okay, so to start, I was tagged by my friend, Lawrence of Pages Unraveled, to do this Taylor Swift Book Tag. I used to be a big big fan or T.Swizzle – used to. Well, I’m still a fan, I still listen a lot to her songs – even downloaded her new singles – but not the “big” fan, like fangirling or something. I just love her songs, and I listen to her. Yeah.
So what about this tag? According to Lawrence, this is originally from booktubers on Youtube, and he tried this on his blog. This tag features Taylor Swift songs and on each songs I have to pick a book or series which I think I can relate to that song. Lawrence did this tag for 12 days, featuring one song per day. But I did some research (wow!) about this tag and it originally only has 10 songs on it. And because I still have to do my art commissions, I’ll only do 10 songs… and in just one post. Haha! Sorry about this. But anyway, let’s start!
Track 1: We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
(pick a book/series that you were pretty sure you were in love with, but then wanted to break up with)

The Maze Runner trilogy by James Dashner
I love The Maze Runner – I was really amazed when I read the first installment of the trilogy. I thought it was so amazing and I was so excited to read the next books. But when I’m on my second and third book, I just felt that my love for this series is slowly washing away. I don’t know if it’s just me. Some readers might think the other way, but it’s like that for me. When I finished the series, it was really like a break up. I finished the series, and we’re never ever getting back together.
Track 2. Red
(pick a book with a RED cover)

Shadowfever by Karen Marie Moning
I love the Fever Series, I love KMM and I love this cover.
Track 3: The Best Day
(pick a book that makes you feel nostalgic)

Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning
I know I can choose Harry Potter because, you know, a lot of memories come back when I think of HP series. But why this one? I chose Darkfever because this is the first ever book I bought with my own money. And this is the book that led me to become a reader and a book collector. This is also the first series I finished, and that was back in high school. I saw this on a bookstore here in the Philippines, Booksale, it’s like a thrift bookstore — secondhand books, library copies, old old books. I was not really into reading back then, I just happened to enter the store, and then this one, out of every books out there, it just called me, my name. And then on that day onward, I became a reader of all sorts. Haha!
Track 4: Love Story
(pick a book with forbidden love)

The Iron Fey Series by Julie Kagawa
Track 5: I Knew You Were Trouble
(pick a book with a bad character you couldn’t help but love)

The One by Kiera Cass
Celeste! I didn’t know I’ll love her until the third book of The Selection series. So much for a hateful character!
Track 6: Innocent
(pick a book that someone ruined the ending for)

Looking for Alaska by John Green
It’s not the ending, but I saw a spoiler on our Facebook group (PBFU). And I was just like…
Track 7: Everything Has Changed
(pick a character from a book who goes through extensive character development)

The Iron Queen by Julie Kagawa
Meghan Chase. Man, I’m loving her more in every book of the series. Especially on this third book, The Iron Queen.
Track 8: You Belong With Me
(pick your most anticipated book release)

Invaded by Melissa Landers (Feb. 3, 2015)
Should have picked Talon by Julie Kagawa but it’ll be released in just a few days, so here’s Invaded by Melissa Landers. This is the sequel of Alienated, which I just recently read, and instantly fell in love with. So I can’t wait for Invaded. It’s next year and I already placed my order on our local bookstore. Yaaaay!
Track 9: Forever and Always
(pick your favorite book couple)

The Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa
Again. Okay, isn’t it too obvious already that I really really love this series so you can’t ever refrain me from mentioning this series or Julie Kagawa’s name over and over and over again. I love Ash and Meghan!
Track 10: Come Back, Be Here
(pick the book you would least like to lend out, for fear of missing it too much)

The Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa
For how many times already? Do I still have to explain myself? But seriously, want an honest answer? I don’t think I can choose just one or two. It’s already hard to lend books other than The Iron Fey, so… I would like to say that I’ll miss all my book. I would least like to lend all my books. ALL! Just kiddin’, but it’s half meant. LOL. I can lend books only to my TRUSTED friends, even my most valuable book. But, do something bad with my book, forget I’m your friend. Books before friendship. LOL. JK again.

That’s it! I’m actually listening to Taylor Swift songs while doing this. Thank you so much for passing by! I’m tagging ya’ll to do this one too. It’s fun!